Pastor Brad Bergman
How to Lose Weight – Keto for the Soul
How to Lose Weight – Keto for the Soul
It seems like you can’t get through an entire day without hearing about the Keto diet. Restaurants and supermarkets have also jumped on the bandwagon. Many of my colleagues and friends have ditched the ways of Atkins, Paleo, and South Beach for all things Keto. Whether you subscribe to it or not, Keto is the hot new trend in weight loss.
I’m not a nutritionist or a scientist, but I do know fat is simply unused energy stored in the body. For example, if you eat 30 cheeseburgers and sit all day, your body will convert that energy to fat. If, however, you’re an Olympic level swimmer you will need to eat the equivalent of 30 cheeseburgers (around 9,000 calories) to provide enough fuel for your intense workouts.
It’s easy to gain weight. I have a particular fondness for chips and ice-cream.
My Doctor once told me that the secret to weight-loss was to “Eat less and move more.”
There’s a spiritual parallel to this found in Hebrews 12:1-2.
Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in.
The writer of Hebrews is reminding us that we need to keep running. To keep our eyes fixed on Christ and to not stop moving! Otherwise we start to gain spiritual weight.
I wonder how many of us feed on a good diet of sermons, podcasts, and even Bible reading without being moved to action. I think it’s easy to know a lot about God, and yet have little corresponding action to our faith (see James 2:14-15).
I love learning about God. I love finding new insights in scripture, however, I’m guilty of building ‘extra spiritual fat’ because I haven’t always translated that knowledge into useful things such as prayer or loving people more.
It’s incredibly difficult to discipline yourself to exercise. In the same way, it requires an incredible amount of discipline to exercise spiritually.
Prayer takes discipline.
Meditating on the Word of God takes discipline.
Regularly attending church and life group takes discipline.
Fasting takes discipline.
The writer of Hebrews is reminding us that we can’t allow our spiritual journey to come to a standstill. We must keep moving. We must keep running the race God has set before us.
Next week we are starting a 21 day fast to prepare ourselves for what God has for us as a church. We are believing for spiritual breakthrough in our city and our nation.
Will you run with us?