Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
The Story of Ruth
This has been called one of the loveliest stories in Hebrew history. We must remember that this was also the dark ages of Hebrew history. In Judges 17:6 it says “everyone did what was right in his own eyes”. Therefore, it would be dangerous for two women with no protection ...
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
Children of God
It is the Christian privilege that they are called the children of God. There is something in a name. The custom of the old testament was to name children with a great name, a name that had a great story which belonged to an earlier hero. The name gave him ...
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
We Travel Together
We might say some of God’s servants in the Bible spent their time alone. Yes. but it was not meant to be that way. Well, not for long; because their life had no real meaning until they were amongst people.
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
The Valleys Of Life
The living God is not like us, that is all the more reason to seek Him. Tozer said: “what we think when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” What are we thinking? Isaiah 66:2: “But on this one will I look: On him who is ...
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
It’s Not Good to Judge A Book by its Cover
Partiality based on appearances is wrong, it is not for the church. The Lord Jesus in John 7:24 began to speak to the multitude about John the Baptist: “What did you go out to see?” He was telling them not to judge by the way things look.
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
Know Where You Belong
There are two important questions for everyone: Who am I? Where do I belong?
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
God’s Self-Control
We see God’s self-control at the cross, where our lord Jesus died for us. Romans 8:32 – “He who did not spare His own Son but delivered Him up for us.”
Written by
Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
Pastor Dave in this series on “Dear God” is taking us through a difficult period concerning current affairs. These are making the news each day. His textbook is the Bible. We have seen him holding it out towards us, telling us, last week, it is a mirror into which we ...
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
Be Still and Know
Be still and know that I am God”. He knows what is happening, He knows what’s around the next corner. We must learn to trust him more, worry less and rush less. God is our refuge.
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
Thoughts on Developing Contentment
The series by Pastor Dave on “Developing Contentment” has told us, obviously, that it is an inside job and that contentment is not automatic. Being an inside job seems to put the emphasis on us, and that is where we might want to stop. If it depends on me it ...
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
Father’s Day
Every father knows that he is not a father only on one day, but a father on every day. The greatest Being in the universe, the One Who created it, He never changes, He is everlasting. When He gave us a title about Himself it was relational. It was not ...
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Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
A New Type of King
Our Sunday message came from Mark’s Gospel Ch. 8 was named ‘A new type of King.’ In vv27-30, we have Peter confessing Jesus as the Christ. Now Jesus and His disciples went out to the towns of Caesarea Philippi, and on the way He asked them “Who do men say ...
Written by
Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
Come, See and Listen
We do not live in a perfect world; and we all have events in our lives we do not want to talk about.We, for sure, do not want others to talk about or remind us of these things. We must remember that if they knew everything about us it would ...
Written by
Pastor Brian Taylor
Pastors Blog
Drawing Closer in Praise
When Pastor Dave started our latest series “Closer”, he put on the front page of the Jan/Feb guide: “God is closer than you think.” This is one of the most important things you must think when thinking about God.E. M. Bounds writing on prayer says, “God is everywhere, watching, superintending, ...
Written by
Pastor Brian Taylor