Pastors Blog

How to help your child when they have been betrayed or bullied

As Christians and as parents, we need to have a clear plan for helping children process and heal from betrayal and bullying so that every effort is made to prevent the carryover of emotional wounds into adulthood that can affect how they succeed in life. The Holy Spirit is an incredible guide and the power of prayer cannot be underestimated, but when it comes to children, is there a thoughtful way to help them process and heal from experiences of betrayal or bullying?

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Abide and Go: Two Sides of the Same Mission 

While abiding keeps us connected to Christ, His command to “go” ensures that we do not stagnate in our faith. When we are deeply rooted in Him, the natural result is the desire to share the gospel and bear the fruit of the Spirit that Paul talks about in Galatians 5:22,23. Abiding is not passive; it produces action. In John 15:5, Jesus says: “Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit.”

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What Does the Love of God Look Like?

The story of Christmas reminds us of the incarnational love demonstrated when God became flesh in the form of a baby lying in a manger. The birth of a Saviour that seeks to bridge the gap between humanity and the divine, even at great personal cost. This sacrificial love invites us to reflect on our own relationships and consider how we can embody selflessness and generosity in our interactions with others.

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The Peace of Christmas

As the angels announced the birth of Jesus on that first Christmas Eve, they invited us all to come experience a peace not found anywhere else in the world. They introduced the birth of God’s Son who would bring us peace with God, peace with ourselves and peace with each other.
The message of Christmas brings such relief and resonates with so many around the world because it speaks of an all-encompassing peace we so desperately need.
That God would choose to make this grand announcement of peace in the middle of the night to a group of shepherds is also an intriguing part of the mystery of Christmas that must be explored.

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Alighting Hope in Advent Season

In the first week of Advent, let us consider the purple candle: The Hope Candle. The purple color of the candle represents repentance, and also royalty. What better way to enter this time of year than turning from our sins and towards Jesus, our King of Kings and the one who has the authority to forgive us. Hope comes from seeing the light, even when that light shines on the things that we try to hide: our guilt and shame. Let’s not confuse hope with wishful thinking. When Jesus – who is the Light of the World – shines upon us, we can have hope because we know Him. We know that He has already come and is yet to come again. What a hope we have that we can see how these prophecies were fulfilled once in Jesus’ life on earth, they are fulfilled through our lives in Him and they will be fulfilled ultimately when we see Him again.

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Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Remembrance Day is a day as Canadians we stop and reflect on the incredible price that was paid for the freedom and peace we enjoy. May we never take for granted the wonderful land we are privileged to call Remembrance Day is a day as Canadians we stop and reflect on the incredible price that was paid for the freedom and peace we enjoy. May we never take for granted the wonderful land we are privileged to call home.
A few years ago I stood on the steps of our church and looked across the street at a landmark high rise building where a group of protestors shouted, ”no justice, no peace”.

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