24/7 Prayer

One week of corporate prayer

Watch and Pray

A week of prayer from Friday, August 23rd to Saturday, August 30th

During this summer season, we are committed to praying for the release of God’s purpose in our city, our nation and across the world. Throughout church history, supernatural breakthroughs have coincided when believers responded to a call for dedicated prayer. God is calling us to such a time, as for one week we have people praying around the clock.

Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What! Could you not watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

– Matthew 26:40,41


woman reading bible

What are we praying for?

If you would like to stand with us in prayer, it’s simple to get started. Click the Choose at Time button to sign-up for a 1 hour time slot. It takes less than one minute to complete the short form. Once you’re finished selecting your time, you’ll be added to our Prayer Calendar.

Prayer Update: June 2nd

In Psalm 122:1, David writes, I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” We too, are glad and thankful for a new season in our church.

Over the past year we been looking forward to the time when we could meet again and worship in person with others following the pandemic. We are now at a place we can start coming back to our various locations to meet in person. Today please join us in prayer for each of the locations that are opening, for the staffing and volunteers that are serving, for each service to be filled with people returning a rich sense of God’s presence.