Our Leadership

Meet the Coastal Church Team
Meet the pastors

Dave & Cheryl Koop

Founding Senior Pastors Dave Koop and his wife Cheryl, met attending bible college. They spent their early years pursuing further education, careers and raising a young family. Even though they were active in their local church and community outreaches, full time ministry wasn’t considered until they experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit, followed by several divine moments where God confirmed His calling. Following much prayer, Dave left a successful career in the oil industry, and eventually, in an act of obedience, pioneered a new church plant in the core of downtown Vancouver, Canada in 1994 with their young family.

This call as a couple has enabled them to share the duties as Senior Pastors in this thriving city church and it’s campuses as well as contributing on other non profit organization boards. David completed his Doctorate in Ministry from Bakke Graduate University in 2010. They are proud parents of 4 grown children, 3 in-laws and 6 beautiful grandchildren.

Pastors Dave & Cheryl Koop

Leads Team

Believers who invest their hearts, time, families, and finances in the building of a local church deserve to have confidence in church leadership. People are looking for leaders who conduct themselves with integrity and respect when making decisions that affect their lives.

The Coastal Church Leads Team is led by the Senior Pastor. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church.

David Koop

Founder, Senior Pastor

Cheryl Koop

Founder, Senior Pastor

James Fam

Pastor of Campus Development

Karen Kepkay

Spanish & Ministry Discipleship Pastor

Chris Karuhije

Pastor of Family Life

Lorraine Bartel

Director of Central Support

Matthew Koop

Director of Communications

Jen Dion

HR Manager

Ministerial Team

Brad Bergman

Assistant pastor

Jacqui Bishop

INSTE / Youth / church online

Allan Burnett

Yaletown Campus Pastor

Jessica Chen

Children's Pastor

Kevan Dobsin

Life Group / Pitt meadows pastor

Wanda Dobsin

Life Group Minister

James Fam

Richmond campus pastor

Payam Jalali

Burnaby campus Pastor

Chris Karuhije

North Vancouver Campus Pastor

Fari Maghami

Assistant pastor / Eden Ministry

Keith Nath

Youth Minister

Ale Policar

Worship Minister

Brian Taylor

Assistant Pastor

Bailey Tonn

Minister in Training

David Trivino

Commercial Campus Pastor

Coastal Staff

Carolina Acevedo

communications coordinator

Charlotte Ash

Office Manager

Terry Ash

DIrector of operations

Marilyn Bell

Sr. Pastor Executive Assistant

Stuart Bishop

Technical Production Manager

Carmelita Burnett

Finance manager

Nick Chaika

Video Production Assistant

Ericsson Chu

Video Production Manager

Cesar Da Silva


Sunnilee Davey


Vanessa Diaz

Administrative Assistant

Matthias Gugubauer

Ministry Production Assistant

Stanley Kwok

Central Support

Cynthia Mendoza


Akane Nath


Mira Pasokhina


Liz Pomare

Central Support Executive Assistant

Lin Power

Central Support

Sandra Rechsteiner

Senior Pastoral Support Director

Yara Sarro

Accounts Payable

Eri Sanchez


Jacquie Trivino


Jakus Van Staden

David Zambrano

worship ministry assistant

Eden Cafe Staff

Eden cafe manager

Kally Wong

Coastal Preschool

Pre-school coordinator

James Fam

Pre-school director & instructor

Beth Stevens

Preschool admin & instructor

Leanna Jalali

Want to get it touch with someone from our team?

Call the church office: 604-684-8475