The why
The Bible teaches us a baseline standard for giving: the tithe. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others.
About Giving
We’ve updated our platform to make giving simpler and faster than ever before. Learn how to set-up recurring donations, track your giving and save credit cards.
Other Ways to Give
Proverbs 21:26 says ‘the godly love to give’ (TLB), this is seen through the countless volunteer hours from people serving in church services and through those who financially support the church and its initiatives.
Coastal Church App
Download the Coastal Church App. A quick and easy way to get access to our online giving portal.
Interac e-Transfer
Send money to [email protected] through online banking. Please provide us with your email address in the Notes section.
By Mail
Send your cheque to: Coastal Church
#215 - 1166 Alberni Street
Vancouver, BC, V6E 3Z3
Local & Global Missions
What We Give Towards
Coastal Church HELPS make the city a better place, and that means sharing the love of Christ and bringing hope to people in need. We partner with established organizations and local churches that focus on opportunities that help fight poverty, provide crisis relief, and bring freedom to the oppressed.
Coastal Church is held accountable by its board of directors, which requires high standards of biblical accountability, financial transparency, integrity in fund raising, and proper use of charity resources. For detailed financial information, view our financial statements. For general questions about our financial practices, contact [email protected]