Pastors Blog
A Healthy Pursuit by Pastor Cheryl Koop
A healthy pursuit is when someone has your best interests in mind.
While in bible school during my late teens, I was involved in a women’s singing group that ministered in various local churches on the weekends, as well as travelling on a 10-day road trip ministering to churches in northern BC. I had just begun dating Dave prior to this trip commitment and was wrestling with the thoughts of him losing interest in our newly formed relationship while I was away. To my delight, he dispelled those thoughts when I found a handwritten letter in my dorm mail slot addressed to me. He had taken the time to let me know that he would be praying for me each day and was already looking forward to my return. It’s hard to describe in words the feeling you have when you know someone is pursuing you because they care and want you in their lives.
When God had David pen Psalm 139 under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, He was taking the time to write you a note. He is saying to you, ‘I have thought about you. I am accustomed to all your ways. I have My hand on your life and have taken the time to write down all you could accomplish in My book’. Why did He do this? To give you your sense of worth. You are noticed.You may not have considered that God Himself would care so deeply for you. All the while, our Heavenly Father was tenderly speaking to you, and you alone. As the Lord is pursuing you, stop, recognize it and receive it. As you do, you’ll find yourself accepting that Jesus Himself is our peace and has broken down the wall of separation between us and God and can now live in the freedom of loving him who first loved us!
Psalm 139, Ephesians 2:14, 1 John 4:19