Abide and Go: Two Sides of the Same Mission 

For the year 2025 our theme is going to be based on one word –  ABIDE. When I was praying about what the vision for the upcoming year would be, this theme of abide continued to be on my heart.     

At first glance, these themes may seem contradictory. How can we “go” if we are also called to “abide”? Yet, when we dig deeper, we see that abiding in Christ energizes and sustains the ability to go into the world with the good news. If we don’t take the time to practice the spiritual principle of abiding in Christ, we soon lose the spiritual nutrients to keep going. Abide and go are two sides of the same mission. 

In the past year we have seen some significant results. We rejoiced to see the purchase of one of the oldest church buildings in the Lower Mainland, the Knox Presbyterian church in New Westminster. We are excited to see the latest campus start having services in the New Year.  We all rejoiced to see how our church family practiced “going” as reflected in a record number of water baptisms, more Alpha courses being run and new life groups being formed. We also saw more missions activities were supported both in our City and abroad. Yet, in all our “going” if we don’t abide, we risk becoming self-reliant, drained, and fruitless. Abiding ensures that our work is empowered by the Holy Spirit, directed by God’s wisdom, and filled with the love that reflects Christ’s character. 

While abiding keeps us connected to Christ, His command to “go” ensures that we do not stagnate in our faith. When we are deeply rooted in Him, the natural result is the desire to share the gospel and bear the fruit of the Spirit that Paul talks about in Galatians 5:22,23. Abiding is not passive; it produces action. In John 15:5, Jesus says: “Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit.” 

The fruit that we enjoy from abiding in Christ, is not just personal inner transformation but also the outward impact of advancing God’s kingdom. Our “going” becomes the evidence of our “abiding”. Only then can our lives reflect the mission of Jesus, who came to seek and save the lost and to destroy the works of the evil one. 

As a church, embracing both “go” and “abide” allows us to live out the great commission and the great commandment. We are called to be deeply rooted in Christ while extending His love to the world. These themes are not in conflict; they are interdependent. 

To abide is to prepare to go. To go is to bear the fruit of abiding. Together, they form the rhythm of a faithful and fruitful Christian life. 

As we reflect on last year’s theme of “Go” and this year’s theme of “Abide,” let us remember that Jesus commanded both because He knows that a life connected to Him is the foundation for effective ministry.  As we enter into 2025 let’s remember to abide in Him daily, drawing the strength, wisdom, and love needed to go into all the world and make disciples.