Pastor Brian Taylor
Come, See and Listen
We do not live in a perfect world; and we all have events in our lives we do not want to talk about. We, for sure, do not want others to talk about or remind us of these things. We must remember that if they knew everything about us it would be even worse.
There is One Who knows everything about us; and He is the One Who does not make it worse for us. He does not talk or tell. He does not gossip. He wants us to trust Him with all things… even trust Him with our sins. He is the One with mercy to take all this away. “The blessings of the Lord makes us rich and brings no sorrow with it” – Proverbs 10:22
We think we are good at hiding things from God. We keep, as it where, some things under the table, our mistakes, our hurts, disappointments, doubts, lack of faith, complaints, our backslidings. We talk only of positive things amongst ourselves. But we cannot hide these things from God. He is the God Who sees (Genesis 16:13) and He has mercy and loving kindness.
It is not this way in the Bible, hiding things from God. Look at the Prophets and the Psalms. They put everything on the table. They seem to hide nothing. They told it all to Him. Shouted it out loud, sometimes blaming Him for it. God wants us to talk to Him. He is rich in mercy. Isaiah 59:1 reads, “the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save. Nor His ear heavy that it cannot hear.”
When we come to the “House of the Lord”, and we must come, we should know Who the owner is. He is the One we have come to honour and worship. It is the place He gathers His family. We should feel welcome. The church belongs to Him. The things that happen when we get together should be things with which He is pleased. We should experience the power of His life. We should see the sort of changes that we expect to see in people, and in ourselves, when we experience church as the House of God
We should see the ministry of our Lord Jesus, that Pastor Dave quoted the first week from the Gospel of Luke 4:18. These are scriptures the Lord Jesus chose for Himself from the Prophet Isaiah (See Isaiah 61:1).
Let us keep coming to hear this series on “Courage’ in July and August and see changes being added to ourselves and to others. The “Courage to be Merciful“, for instance, from last weekend.
“The merciful man does good to his own soul” – Proverbs 11:17
Come, see and listen.