Pastor James Fam
How to Overcome Spiritual ‘Range Anxiety’?
Even with the increasing popularity of electric vehicles (EV) on the roads, there are still many that have not made the switch from the more conventional internal combustion engines. When the American Automobile Association (AAA) conducted a national surveya of electric vehicle owners, 71% of whom had not previously owned an electric car, one of the surprising results was that more than half (57%) feared that they will run out of charge while driving.
Range anxiety is the fear that the EV won’t have sufficient charge to complete its duty and is still perceived to be one of the greatest barriers preventing fleets from going electric. Early models of electric vehicles may have had a poor reputation for their real-world mileage range even though almost all owners surveyed (95%) report never having run out of a charge. Those who were originally concerned about insufficient range said they became less or no longer concerned post-purchase (77%).
The survey concluded that one of the best way to overcome range anxiety with EV is to actually get into EV ownership. Being the owner of an EV for over a year now, I can also testify that my “faith” in the range of the vehicle has also increased progressively over time.
Can you see a spiritual parallel when you are asked to trust in God’s promises? You may read about God’s covenant with the Israelites in the Bible, but you are not immediately convinced that He can take you all the way in your own faith journey.
You can develop ‘spiritual range anxiety’ when the Holy Spirit leads you to offer up your finances, your physical bodies, your relationships, or your time. Just like the group of vehicle owners that resisted switching to EV initially (even when they have the desire to do so), the best remedy to overcome those fears may be to get into an EV (acting) by faith.
We see in the Bible that God provided the Israelites a version of the ‘graduated-licensing program’ to help build their faith with six separate covenants:
1. The Edenic Covenant: The first covenant in the Bible is the Edenic Covenant, established in the Garden of Eden between God and Adam and Eve. This covenant reflects the ideal state of humanity before the fall into sin. God promised Adam and Eve dominion over the earth, abundant provision, and a perfect relationship with Him. However, disobedience led to the breaking of this covenant, resulting in sin’s entry into the world.
2. The Adamic Covenant: Despite humanity’s failure, God’s love and plan for redemption remained steadfast. God did not abandon Adam and Eve even though the Edenic covenant was broken. God in His grace gave Adam and Eve a fresh start. They have fallen but He has promised them a Redeemer. Man’s responsibility in this period is to seek God and follow Him according to the dictates of his conscience.
3. The Noahic Covenant: After the catastrophic flood that wiped out humanity, God made a covenant with Noah and his descendants. The Noahic Covenant, symbolized by the rainbow, promised never again to destroy the earth with a flood. This covenant illustrates God’s grace and mercy, providing a fresh start for humanity. It also underscores the importance of obedience and righteousness in maintaining a relationship with God.
4. The Abrahamic Covenant: One of the most crucial covenants in the Bible is the Abrahamic Covenant, established between God and Abraham (originally named Abram). In this covenant, God promised to bless Abraham with numerous descendants and make him the father of a great nation. Furthermore, God pledged to bless all nations through Abraham’s offspring, ultimately pointing to the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. This covenant highlights the importance of faith and trust in God’s promises and serves as the foundation of the Jewish and Christian faiths.
5. The Mosaic Covenant: The Mosaic Covenant, also known as the Sinai Covenant, was made between God and the Israelites through their leader, Moses. It consisted of the Ten Commandments and a complex system of laws and regulations that governed every aspect of the Israelites’ lives. This covenant aimed to provide guidelines for righteous living and establish the Israelites as a holy nation. However, it also exposed humanity’s inability to uphold God’s standards perfectly and pointed to the need for a Savior.
6. The New Covenant: The New Covenant is the culmination of God’s redemptive plan for humanity and is established through Jesus Christ. This covenant is prophesied in the Old Testament, particularly in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and fulfilled in the New Testament. Under the New Covenant, God promises forgiveness of sins, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and a personal relationship with Him for all who believe in Jesus. Through His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus atoned for the sins of humanity, making it possible for people to be reconciled with God. This covenant is universal, offering salvation to all who accept Christ as their Savior.
Do you notice how the covenants progressively build upon one another, forming a complete redemptive storyline? God preserved the world through Noah, initiated redemption through Abraham, established the nation of Israel through Moses, promised an eternal shepherd-king through David, and then fulfilled all of his covenants through Jesus. With each covenant, God’s promises and plans to save the world become clearer and clearer until we finally see that redemption can only come through King Jesus.
The six covenants in the Bible demonstrate God’s unwavering commitment to humanity. They reveal His desire for a loving relationship with His creation and His plan for redemption and salvation. Each covenant builds upon the previous ones, ultimately leading to the New Covenant in Jesus Christ, which offers the gift of eternal life and reconciliation with God.
In the end, the only way you can overcome your spiritual range anxiety is to test drive your faith. As you step into a new season of uncertainty, may these covenants remind you of God’s faithfulness and love throughout the history of faith, inspiring you to trust in His promises and live in obedience to His will.
1 Edmonds, Ellen (22 January 2020). “AAA: Owning an electric vehicle is the cure for most consumer concerns”. American Automobile Association.