Lead a Life Group

Life is not meant to be lived alone

3 Steps to Start Your Group

1. Invite a Few Friends

Whether you’re meeting together or online, starting a life group has never been easier! Just like most things, you won’t know until you try! 

Do you know people who would be interested in meeting regularly? It could be your spouse, a relative living abroad, a neighbour, barista or friend. A lot of people are just waiting for an invitation!

2. Choose How You'll Meet

Decide on a day, time and format that suits you and those you want to connect with! We encourage groups to meet in person, but many groups are also meeting online and inviting people from around the world.

3. Start Meeting

We want to help your Life Group run as smooth as possible. After you sign up to start a group, a coach will help you with set up and ongoing support. Also, our team provides group discussion questions and other leadership resources that are available to you each week.

We'll help you get started!

We would love to help you start a Life Group! Please click the sign-up link and we’ll do our best to assist you.

How Do I Setup an Online Life Group?

Setting up video conferencing tools on your device is an essential requirement for your participation in an online group. There are many different video conferencing tools available, and it’s up to your group which one to use. Options include:

Skype Video Chat
Coastal Church recommends using Skype because it’s free, has no time-limit or participant restrictions and can be joined by users with a simple meeting link.

Google Hangouts
Great option for groups who are already connected via Google/Gmail. Each group member will need a Google account to meet using Hangouts.

Similar to Skype, Zoom allows group leaders send out a URL invite to group members, who can join without having to sign-up for an account. The free account does have a time limit of 40 minutes for groups over 2 people. We recommend using only if a group member has a paid account.

Facebook Messenger
Good option for groups who are already using Messenger for group communication.

How to Use Skype for E-Life Groups

We recommend Skype for all of our online groups. It’s free to use, available on multiple devices and doesn’t restrict participants or meeting time. Skype works on a variety of different devices that group members can choose from – via mobile, computer, Xbox and Alexa. All participants will need access to a microphone and a camera that shows your face. Below are a few links and a helpful video to get you started:

Download Skype
Skype Support Q & A

Ensuring Quality Discussion

  • All guests will be asked to be on video
  • Please join in a quiet environment if possible
  • Please unmute during discussion. (Unless in a noisy setting). This allows for a more organic, free-flowing conversation.
  • Join from a location where you have a strong internet connection. If possible, plug directly into an ethernet cable.