Pastor Brad Bergman
The Storm: God is with you, and He’s not nervous.
It seems like there have been a lot of storms in the past few months:
- Job loss.
- The economic ramifications of a global pandemic.
- The possibility of a second wave.
- An unexpected health crisis.
- Emotional storms.
- Actual storms.
- Devastating fires.
- Political uncertainty.
- Social unrest and injustice… just to name a few.
It can all seem so overwhelming, which often leads to anxiety and worry. In my experience though, anxiety and worry are never actually helpful. In fact, they inevitably make everything worse.
Which begs the question, is there a better way to process the storms that we find ourselves in?
If you have been around church for any amount of time you’ve likely heard the Bible verse, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). In fact, we even have a song that we regularly sing with this phrase in it.
But what does it even mean?
And why is this statement helpful?
A close study of Psalm 46 reveals that the writer was likely living during a time of war and chaos. God’s people were living with uncertainty and fear. So, the first thing the writer of this Psalm does is point to the one who is greater than the storms they are facing.
The first verse reminds us that God is our strength in times of trouble. So, when we face troubling situations, we need to take our focus off of things that are beyond our control and onto the God who is all-powerful. The psalmist gives us vivid pictures of how powerful God truly is (vs.6). That He is the one with the power to make wars and conflict cease (vs. 9).
This word of God is saying that even when everything around us crumbles, God is still there, and He is not shaken by what is going on. So, when His people start freaking out, He tells them, to be still and trust Him.
One commentator puts it like this,
“Stop stressing about the battle ahead and trust me.
Wake up! I am the Lord. I am your refuge and your strength.
You have nothing to fear or worry about when I am with you.
I will fight your battles and deal with your enemies. So, get out of my way.
Step back, open your eyes, and acknowledge who I am and what I can do.
Let me be God.
Don’t try and do my job for me.
Be patient, be still, and let me go to work.”
Whenever you’re in a storm, actively invite God into your situation through prayer.
Pause and remember that God is with you, and that He is willing and able to give you the strength you need.
Trust that God is at work in your life, and remember that no storm will ever be able to stop that.
Remind yourself how powerful He is, and that the same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead is in you (Romans 8:11).
Know that He truly loves you, and He is working on your behalf.
I know sometimes it can seem like you’re either in a storm, have just come through a storm, or you’re about to head straight into one, but hold onto this Psalm. It was written to give courage to Israel to look to the Lord for strength, and it’s still an invitation for us to look to Him for that same strength.