Lesson Guide
A Mind Under Construction
When we open our hearts, and invite Jesus into our lives, the Holy Spirit comes to help us renew our minds. He is helping us reconstruct our thought life.
As reflected in many popular home makeover shows, a home that was once in a state of disrepair or ruin becomes a joy to live in.
God shows up to the job site with the supplies, wisdom and strength to make our minds a joy to live in. Instead of being tormented with troubling thoughts, we now have a clear mind filled with peace.
Renovation Surprises
Anyone who has ever done a renovation knows that there are surprises and you often run into some kind of opposition. As we see in Nehemiah, he ran into opposition from a character named Sanballat and his henchmen.
The last thing the enemy wanted was the walls of Jerusalem to be rebuilt. Once they were rebuilt it would be very difficult for the enemy to come in and kill, steal and destroy. Your enemy, Satan, does not want you to renew your mind for it makes it very difficult for him to attack you.
Don’t be surprised if you experience some opposition as you begin to renew your mind. This is a confirmation that you are on the right track. In the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls we see Sanballat attacking the people with different strategies.
1. Mockery
One of the first things we experience when we make a choice to change is mockery from friends or relatives for going to church, reading our bibles and praying. This is nothing more than the enemy trying to prevent the cleansing power of God’s Word from changing our lives.
2. Despise God
Satan knows that if we abide in God’s Word we will be free. The enemy’s goal is to keep us captive, so he will do everything he can to despise God and His word.
Drilling Deeper
As a group, read Nehemiah 4:1-2. Why do you think the Israelites used the rubble (old, burnt stones) to rebuild the wall?
“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:31
In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. – Ephesians 6:16
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7 (NJKV)
“Be sober, be vigilant; because[a] your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.” – 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NJKV)
3. Confusion
This is one of Satan’s favourite tools in attacking our minds. He tries to bring confusion from different sources to weary us and stall the work that God is doing in our lives.
Drilling Deeper
As a group, read 1 Peter 5:8-9. What stands out to you in this verse?
4. Compromise
Like Satan said to Adam and Eve in the garden, “Has God indeed said…” Sanballat had tried to get Nehemiah to leave the work to join in a meeting to reason together. It was a set up to compromise and Nehemiah refused to go.
Likewise we need to be alert because this is one of Satan’s favorite tricks to trap Christians.
Drilling Deeper
As a group, list ways that Satan tries to tempt us, as believers, to compromise? What are some practical ways to respond when faced with this temptation?
5. False Prophets
If Satan can’t draw us away with the other tactics, he will send someone who sounds spiritual but in fact is a con.
This is what Jesus warned about when He said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
Further Discussion
As a group, take some time to discuss what you just watched.
Start the discussion by referring to the “Drilling Deeper” questions.
What do you find is the best time to read God’s Word? What does it mean to meditate on God’s Word?
What are some distractions you battle with when you go to meditate on the Scriptures?
Throughout the story of Nehemiah the people are mocked by their enemies for the work of rebuilding the walls. Have you ever been mocked for your faith and, if so, how did you respond?
In our culture today where do you see God being despised?
Read Nehemiah 6:1-9. How did Sanballet attempt to get the leaders to compromise? What kind of shift took place when they resisted the numerous attempts? How does this parallel to Satan’s strategy to tempt us to compromise?
According to the following verses how can we spot a false prophet or teacher? Matthew 7:15-20, 1 John 4:2,3, Titus 1:11.
Take some time to pray as a group. Ask the group if there is anything specific, relating to the lesson, that they would like prayer for.
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