© 2024 Coastal Church. All rights reserved | Privacy & Security
1160 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, V6E 3H7
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Followers of Jesus everywhere have been called and empowered by the Spirit of God to go and spread the Good News of Jesus. The Great Commission is for the Church to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching people to abide by all that Christ has taught us (Matt. 28:19-20). We are called to testify as witnesses to the Son of God who came to reconcile sinners with God through His death, burial and resurrection. In everything we do and say, we are to show the world how the grace of God has saved and changed us for God’s glory and for the common good. Also, the Great Commission is propelled forward by the two greatest commandments: to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself (Matt. 22:36-40). If we love God we will keep His commands, and if we love our neighbor we want them to find salvation, wholeness and eternal life in Christ. But, this is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Go and Bear Witness
God sent His only Son to take on flesh to save us from our sins by dying on the Cross, rising again on the third day and ascending to the Father so that they would send the Holy Spirit to empower Christ’s followers to go and bear witness of the Good News of His Kingdom (John 3:16; Matt. 10:7; 6:33; Acts 1:8). The Church’s work is to continue Jesus’ work here on earth. Having fulfilled the words of Isaiah 61, Jesus sends us “to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor…” (Luke 4:18-19). Jesus’ mission was to reach the lost and set the oppressed free and therefore it is also the mission of the Church. Whoever chooses to follow the Lamb of God chooses to be, act and talk like Christ (John 14:23), empowered by His Spirit.
Being, Doing and Telling
Our mission is to witness for Christ; to do His work in our city always includes our words and deeds, but also “…who we are as a people called by God and sent into the world – our missional identity…”( Flemming 14). In this way we embody the mission of God in a way that goes beyond our specific words and actions. So, there should really be a seamless flow between our loving actions and words, springing out of a new identity in Christ. Genuine born-again disciples choose to love and value what Jesus loves and values (John 3:1-21). Jesus who is one with the Father demonstrated that He came into the world to save sinners (John 10:30; 1 Tim. 1:15). Jesus became one of us and moved into our neighborhood in order to announce the Good News. According to the Old and New Covenant, God has always loved mercy, righteousness and justice (Psalm 33:5; 89:14) in His being, doing and telling; He reaches out to the lost, oppressed and marginalized (Job 29:12; Luke 4:18; 15:4). Therefore, we, as God’s people, are also called to make sacrifices in order to love the lost, to pursue righteousness and to reach our city with the Gospel. Coastal Church has intentionally planted congregations in different cities, so that believers can immerse themselves in their local neighbourhoods. The Eden project is an example of this: a place where we share the Gospel message through our being, doing and telling.
How Do I Share the Gospel with My Neighbours?
Here are some practical ways that my family and I have found helpful from Eden’s Five Distinctives to share the Gospel through our being, doing and telling:
Who Is My Neighbour?
Most people in the church have heard the parable of the Good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke 10:25-31, and recognize the importance of Jesus’s teachings on loving our neighbour. However, we often think that we can choose our neighbour. The fact is that many times God does the choosing for us. In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus chooses to make the Jew and the Samaritan neighbours. As Jon Bloom examines this parable in his article “Loving The neighbour We Didn’t Choose”, it is obvious that, ”…what made them neighbors was one man’s unchosen calamity and another man’s chosen compassion, but only in response to an unchosen, inconvenient, time-consuming, work-delaying, expensive need of another…” (Bloom). Often God will choose our neighbour for us so that we can carry out His mission in loving and caring for them. As we ask Jesus the same question that the lawyer did: “Who is my neighbour?” we may not like Jesus’ answer. Many times the ones Jesus will point us to will have messy lives and many needs. The Samaritan in the parable loved the Jew as His neighbour, even though there were a lot of racial and cultural tensions between the two ethnic groups. So, we too, are called to cross cultural, religious and traditional barriers in order to love our neighbours and reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Bloom, Jon. Loving the Neighbour We Didn’t Choose. Desiring God, August 28, 2015,
Flemming, Dean. Recovering The Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being,
Doing And Telling. IVP Academic: Downers Grove, 2013.
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© 2024 Coastal Church. All rights reserved | Privacy & Security
1160 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, V6E 3H7