Pastor Dave Koop
Following Your Star
The story of the Magi is one of the greatest stories of faith in the Bible. It teaches us to keep our sight on Jesus even when things get rough. These men found in the Christmas story remind us of others who demonstrated great faith as seen listed in Hebrews chapter 11.
Tradition has clouded the facts and robbed us of some vital truth. In order to get to this truth, we have to clarify a few points:
- The Bible does not say that there were only three Magi; there could have been hundred or more in their party.
- They did not worship Jesus in the manger; they worshipped Him in a house (see Matthew 2:11).
- The star did not shine the entire time. This point is overlooked the most.
We have always thought that the Magi saw the star shinning in the distance, and then they jumped on their camels and rode until they found the star right over the manger. That is not exactly how it happened.The wise men got excited when they saw the star. It was the day God revealed their purpose in His upper story. You may already have experienced the day when God gave you your star, your destiny. It was a day filled with hope, joy and excitement. A dream was born. If you are wondering what your destiny is, or what God wants to do in and through you, stay in His presence, in His Word and under good teaching; God will surely direct you. These men found their star, and then it happened, just as it has for others with a dream: the star went out. The vision faded as the journey began.
If you are wondering what your destiny is, or what God wants to do in and through you, stay in His presence, in His Word and under good teaching; God will surely direct you.
You may think this is not the way it should be, but this is the way it happens! God gives us a vision, we leave everything to pursue it, and then it seems to vanish. Here is where our faith becomes so very important.
We experience such a feeling of elation when our dream is born, and then we wake up and wonder what happened. You may be lying in bed dreaming of a business idea God has shown you, or an idea that would help thousands of others, and then the reality and responsibilities hit like a rude awakening. You look around to see where all those are who promised to be behind you – are way behind you.
When you are out there all alone, God can see what your faith is like. God wants to see you stand on His Word. Faith is trust, believing, even if you cannot see in the natural. Here is where many quit. Don’t stop; go on.
Faith is trust, believing, even if you cannot see in the natural.
The wise men were gentile businessmen; they were not Jews. But God had a specific job for them to do, utilizing their special gifts and abilities. And they were willing and available to God. They discerned the times and knew they were on the verge of change. We need to realize that we too are in a time of change. Jesus’ return is near, and just as the wise men had a specific job to do, so do we!
These men had to be at the right place at the right time to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. Their star fit them into the unfolding story we find in the Word of God. Your star, vision or dream will make you fit perfectly into the big picture God is unfolding in your world now.
Your star, vision or dream will make you fit perfectly into the big picture God is unfolding in your world now.
Something unique about the star is that you may see it clearly, but no one else will. You will have the dream burning within, yet no one will understand. That is because God showed YOU the star. Once you have committed yourself, sold everything and started off, you are in a vulnerable position. You have to lean on the Lord like never before. You can’t go back, and the star is beginning to fade.
Thomas Edison tried 10,000 times to make the light bulb. He said that every failure brought him one step closer to success. You will have your star, and then you will encounter the challenges. That’s when you will get steel in your backbone, and you will need to muster up all your tenacity. God told Joshua over, and over again, to be bold – because he struggled with fear just like you and I do. Faith comes from hearing the Word of God. It is during this time that you must be focused on the Lord and in His Word.
The Magi saw the star, made the preparations for the journey and then headed out. Once the wise men began with their caravan, they realized that they didn’t know the entire way.You will not have the whole picture either.
God gives us direction bit by bit so that we will walk by faith and need Him to lead us every step of the way.
The wise men had to make a decision whether or not to go on in the face of defeat, and so will we. When it seems that there is no hope in sight, we will have to decide to go on in obedience to God and His call on our lives.God gives us direction bit by bit so that we will walk by faith and need Him to lead us every step of the way.
The Magi arrived in Jerusalem and needed to ask where the King of the Jews was because the star had gone out, and they had just followed in the general direction. They asked people, but no one knew. Then they asked the religious leaders, and they did not know either. Finally, they went to the king, who inquired of the chief priests and scribes where the Messiah was to be born. They told him “Bethlehem of Judea,” so he directed the wise men to Bethlehem.This was a dark hour for the wise men; no one seemed to know for certain where the Child was. But they couldn’t quit now. They had come too far and invested too much. Don’t ever quit. Even in your darkest hour, God is still with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. 1 Peter 5:9,10 says that we are to resist the devil and start firm in the faith. In the darkness, God will perfect and strengthen your vision. He must see that we are willing to go on.
As the wise men left Jerusalem, the start they had seen in the East began to shine again (see Matthew 2:9,10), which brought great joy to them. It led them to the very house where Jesus lived. They bowed before the Child, worshiped Him and bestowed their gifts upon Him. It may have been that very night that the angel spoke to Joseph and directed him to take his family to Egypt. The gold, frankincense and myrrh no doubt met the needs of the family for the time they were gone to Egypt. By following through with the vision God had given them, the wise men played an important part in the lives of Jesus and His family.God is searching for someone to follow through with the vision He gives. Even when it fades, go in obedience to what you know God has called you to do. The star you are following is there for a purpose; it fits into a much bigger plan that you can see. Even when the star goes out, know that you are not walking alone. Don’t give up. Be faithful in following the star.