Pastor Dave Koop
Onwards in 2017!
Here are a few possible reasons:
- Onwards only happens when there is a purpose. As we read in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. To move forward and stay on track we must have a clear revelation of God’s truth as to who we are in Christ and the fact that He has designed us with a distinct purpose in His overall plan. Many people make a resolution, but when the going gets tough their onward momentum wains because they don’t have a clear vision or purpose in mind to pull them onwards. The very fact we are pressing onwards suggests we have somewhere to go, a mission to accomplish, a cause to fight for, a purpose to fulfill and a Lord to follow.
- Onwards only happens when we stop and count the cost. Too many people look around and make a comparison to others. They say to themselves “I am going to be like them so I am going to do such and such.” Then they write it down as their goal and make a proclamation to their friends, never considering the cost. Jesus said “For who among you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost to see whether he has the resources to complete it?” If we make unrealistic goals and never complete on them we begin to have self-doubt. It is better to set challenging yet achievable goals and build your confidence as you move forward.
- Onwards only happens when there is a clear focus on priorities. We live in a world of distraction. Every website seems to have click bait. Our enemy sets his bait out daily trying to get us off our priorities. His goal is to stop our faith from pressing onwards. Jesus told us that we are to seek first the kingdom of heaven. To move forward in 2017 will require us to put Him first in the thousands of choices we face daily.
- Onwards only happens when we are prepared for battle. The spiritual armor Paul talks about in Ephesians 6 is designed for someone moving forward. The breastplate of righteousness to protect our heart, the shield of faith is to stop every fiery dart of the enemy, the shoes of peace to march onwards, etc. To move onwards into 2017, with all its uncertainties, we must take time to remind ourselves daily of the spiritual armor we wear and that Christ has defeated our spiritual enemy.
- Onwards only happens when we act. We live in a world of information and knowledge. You can easily do a Google search and have more advice that you could ever use. To press onwards we need must have application. As we read in James 1:26 “faith without works is dead”. Again, this is a daily choice. Many of us know what to do, but is making those daily little choices to put action to what we know that will allow us to fulfill our New Year’s resolutions or goals.
May 2017 be your best year ever as you press onwards focusing on Jesus and His truth!