Pastor Karen Kepkay

Pastors Blog

Foot Washing a Symbol of Love and Service

The Lord might not be literally asking us to wash someone else’s feet (though it could happen of course) but He does call us to look to serve others and find a need and meet it. What does it look like to you to love another person with actions, even ...
Pastors Blog

The Holy Spirit  – Your Master Rebuilder

We are all in the work-in-progress and constant growth process of our soul. Don’t get discouraged in the rebuilding of your real you and lean into the Holy Spirit for everything that you need. He is sent to you as the helper and comforter, and help in times of need. ...
Pastors Blog

History Belongs to the Intercessors

Prayer changes things, changes us and changes history! Paul prayed for prisoners and soldiers on the ship, and they were saved. Who are we praying for today whose lives will be changed by Christ in the future?
Pastors Blog

What About Disagreements?

Who is comfortable with relationship conflict? The truth is that we all experience differences and disagreements in our relationship with others because God has created us with unique personalities. As we grow in the likeness of Jesus, we will always be sharpening each other and God uses differences to teach ...
Pastors Blog

Why Serve?

The early church was growing to the seams and the apostles found themselves in a crucial situation. Being just twelve of them appointed as apostles of Jesus, they were unable to minister the Word, something they were chosen to do, while meeting practical needs of the widows. Based on what ...
Pastors Blog

Prayer to GO! 

There is no better place to begin than in prayer when fulfilling the Great Commission. The disciples returned to Jerusalem and obeyed what Jesus commanded them to do. They went to the upper room and prayed in one accord for 10 days, along with 120 believers. What is notable is ...
Pastors Blog

What’s Your View of Marriage? 

These are some of the truth I discovered about marriage in God’s eyes but there are more of course. I highly encourage you, whether single or married, to gain understanding of the purpose God intended between a husband and wife. In this manner, you can walk in the intended purpose ...
Pastors Blog

What Comes to Mind When You Think About God?

We have a good Heavenly Father, who holds us in the palm of His hand, and He accepts, loves, and affirms us. John 10:29 says that we are in the Father’s hand and no one is able to snatch us out from His hand. in Him we are secure, and ...
Pastors Blog

The Great Reveal

Have you ever been desperate to know God’s will for a specific life decision and desire to do the right thing? Or perhaps you are in a bind about circumstances and don’t know what to do practically?
Pastors Blog

How to Anchor Ourselves In Life

No matter what storms of life you might be going through, or feel like you cannot “get back on your kayak”, you can always have an assurance of His hope if you have Jesus as your anchor and put into action some of the steps above by faith.
Pastors Blog

A Trace of Grace

What a wonderful trace of the Grace of God through history and imperfect people, messy lives, and scandalous reputations. You might identify with Jesus’ relatives in his family tree, or perhaps you wonder if the skeletons in your family’s closet precludes you from God’s love. The good news is that ...
Pastors Blog

Embracing a God of Comfort

At first read, this verse sounds like a great contradiction. How can someone who mourns be blessed or happy? Where does the promise of comfort come from? The kingdom of God is an upside-down Kingdom compared to the world’s. Jesus leaves us in the beatitudes not only a set of ...
Pastors Blog

Feeling pressed down? Pray!

At different points in our lives, it is possible to feel overwhelmed by unchangeable circumstances. At the moment, we are trying to make sense of global issues such as the COVID pandemic, Russia-Ukraine conflict, global inflation, food insecurity and climate change, to name a few. At a more personal level, ...
Pastors Blog

A Heart Change

We all have experienced that feeling after saying something that did not sit well either in our heart or in someone else’s heart. We end up thinking “Did I just say that?”
person looking at horizon
Pastors Blog

During Changing Times, Be Strong and Courageous

What is the biggest fear you have had to face in life? No matter what season or times we live in, we will all face difficult situations to which we will need courage and strength. It could be a change in jobs, a new venture, a new career, or new ...
Person walking on crosswalk
Pastors Blog

How Do I Put Action To My Faith? | Lessons From Rahab

Have you ever felt as if your past mistakes, glaring flaws, and life circumstances have led you to a dark place limiting you from receiving something from God?  Perhaps these have paralyzed you with inaction and wondered, “am I good enough to receive all that God has for me?”
Pastors Blog

Seeing Beauty in the Imperfect

Sometimes in our brokenness, imperfection, and past experiences, we ask ourselves if we can ever be used by God and whether we matter to Him. We might feel like a shattered pottery piece beyond hope and repair.
Person staring at the water
Pastors Blog

Fixer Upper

While exploring a nice neighbourhood last week, I noticed a house with a run-down façade, and big nailed plywood sheets covering the windows. Its garden was fenced and unkept, and of course it was not inhabited. I wasn’t sure if the house was deemed condemned or was being prepared to ...
Joyful Child
Pastors Blog

A Moment of Joy

Joy comes when we experience the goodness of God in the midst of circumstances. The Psalmist reminds us that believing in His goodness and presence are the antidote of despair.
dad and daughter dancing
Pastors Blog

What Every Son and Daughter Needs

This Father’s Day I can’t help but to reflect on the love of my Heavenly Father and my earthly one, and how it anchored me ever since being in a relationship with Him.
Calvary crosses
Pastors Blog

Sozo in Isolation

In the Garden of Gethsemane and at the cross, Jesus himself experienced apparent loneliness and abandonment from God, which can be described as his darkest hour. In the midst of chaos, and facing pain, Jesus knew that in all these things God was in control.
Young Man at Cafe
Pastors Blog

Renewed & Repurposed

It does not get better than this! Becoming all that God wants us to be – whole and holy – is not a work we can muster up ourselves, but of the Holy Spirit. He is committed to empower and renovate us in spirit, soul, and body, progressively!
Woman praying beside lake
Pastors Blog

How to Turn Prayerlessness into Prayerfulness

Prayerlessness comes in when we regard prayer as a ritual or task. Prayerfulness enters in when we center our hearts on Jesus and getting to know Him, setting our affection upon Him.
People walking in public
Pastors Blog

God Plays No Favourites

God has no favourites! He is ready to reveal the fullness of Him to anyone who draws near to Him (James 4:8); He sure will draw near to any heart who is sincere.
Destiny Blog Post
Pastors Blog

10 Things to Do While Waiting for Destiny

So, what if God has shown you a dream, a calling, or destiny for your life, but years have passed, and nothing has come to fruition? For every destiny, there’s season of testing and waiting. At that point we often feel as if the dream that God has put in ...
Pastors Blog

Search and Rescue

I really don’t remember how old I was, maybe 7 years old, but I do remember vividly the feeling of desperation after I had woken up to a lonely apartment on a tropical day. It was a habit for my mom or my dad to wake me up, during off-school ...
Pastors Blog

Wouldn’t You Agree?

Just in a month, my sister is getting married, and our family is “all hands on deck” to make that day special for her and her fiancé! From the tiny decoration details, to ceremony timeline, it has been encouraging to see my sister and fiancé, and respective families being in ...
Pastors Blog

Jesus in My Circle

“How do you do it? How do you manage to oversee leadership development at church, while finding time to work at your family’s coffee shop, spend time with family, and remain content and not go crazy?”These are some of the the questions I get asked lately. Looking outside in, I suppose ...