Pastor Fari Maghami

Pastors Blog

Home: A Place of Love and Belonging

Today, the church is called to proclaim the Gospel through our being, doing, and telling. The good news is that the only way we find our way back home is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, and for God’s glory alone. This ...
Pastors Blog

What Were You Thinking? The Power of The Mind

As Christians, we are called to think and meditate on God’s Word so that our thoughts align with His revealed will and way of thinking. The Bible and the Holy Spirit serve as our mental and spiritual guides and safeguards, helping us take every thought captive and expel damaging, sinful, ...
Pastors Blog

Embracing the Stranger: Hospitality in the Bible

Hospitality is more than just a kind gesture—it's a command and a reflection of God's love for us. As God in Christ opened His arms and heart wide on the cross, giving us access to Himself and His home in heaven, we too should open our hearts and homes to ...
Pastors Blog

Palm Sunday: Journeying with Jesus Towards the Cross

“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him” (John 3:17). He emphasizes that belief in Him leads to eternal life, while rejection results in remaining under God's wrath. Jesus came not to condemn the world, for it ...
Pastors Blog

Cleansed and Refreshed: The Power of Repentance and Turning to God

Repentance relieves the burden of our sin, guilt, and shame. When we repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we receive peace with God and the peace of God. Our relationship with God is reconciled. We have been justified by faith in the person and saving work of ...
Pastors Blog

The Cradle and the Cross: Connecting Christmas and John 3:16

Without the love and grace of God, there would be no incarnation. Without the cradle, there would be no saving cross; without the cross, there would be no payment for our sins. Without this sufficient payment, there would be no resurrection from the dead and no promise of eternal life. ...
Pastors Blog

Abraham and Isaac: An Ultimate Test of Faith and Foreshadowing of The Lamb of God

How is the story of Abraham and Isaac connected to Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Let us first briefly examine God's promise of a son to Abram and Sarai (later called Abraham and Sarah) when he was 75 years old and she was 65. Even though a son is not directly ...
Pastors Blog

Do Not Lose Heart – Your Future in Christ is Beyond All Comparison

Regardless of what comes our way, God is greater. Nothing can push God into a corner or surprise Him. He is the sovereign and supreme King of kings and Lord of lords and, “according to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope ...
Pastors Blog

God Is With Us in Our Suffering

In our time of need and suffering the best move is to draw near to God. In Christ, we can be sure that God is with us and close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). We shouldn’t doubt God’s goodness, justice and love when we witness or experience suffering. Instead, it ...
Pastors Blog

Empowered to Witness: How the Holy Spirit Enables Us to Share the Gospel

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8  Followers of Jesus everywhere have been called and empowered by the Spirit of God ...
Pastors Blog

Overcoming Doubt and Despair

Doubt and despair. Who hasn’t experienced uncertainty and the lack of trust in something or someone? Doubt can make us hesitant in making decisions or question someone's motives or capabilities. Despair is the feeling of hopelessness. It’s when we end up in a place in our minds that keeps us ...
Pastors Blog

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Jesus gives us some clues in His teachings on how we should be making peace. Any loving actions and words that help overcome enmity between us and others is a good start. And to be more specific, we are to pray for those who persecute us. In order to pray ...
Pastors Blog

The Beatitudes – Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

This past weekend at Coastal Church we started our series on the Beatitudes that beginsJesus’ Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew 5-7. In these chapters we read a collection of Jesus’s teachings that have greatly impacted, inspired and transformed people globally. In this blog, I will be mainly focusing ...
Pastors Blog

The Selfless Love of God

Love! In English there is only one word for love. It’s a word we use a lot to express how we feel about food, fashion, friends and family. Love is something we want - and desire to experience. But the type of love we read about in John’s Gospel is ...
Pastors Blog

Holy, Holy, Holy is The Lord of Hosts; The Whole Earth is Full of His Glory!

May the Lord help us to keep growing in our adoration and worship of Him as the Lord of Hosts and our God. May the Spirit empower us to live a holy life in which our thoughts, words and actions honor Him and point people to the King of kings ...
Pastors Blog

Everyone Did What Was Right in Their Own Eyes

How do we avoid doing what is right in our own eyes? For starters, we need to avoid relying on our own understanding, but instead trust in the Lord with all our heart. We must set our eyes on Jesus and follow His teachings that are spirit and life (John ...
Pastors Blog

What You Love Shapes Who You Are

Those who are of God love what God loves. God loves His children and Apostle John in his letter directs Christians to do the same, to love one another. God is delighted when His children obey and live according to His will as revealed in His commandments. Believers do not ...
Pastors Blog

Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’?

One day Jesus was teaching and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a ...
group of people praying
Pastors Blog

Powerful and Effective Prayer

You and I were created to have an unbroken relationship with God and others. We were always meant to be in a loving functional relationship demonstrated by continuous and clear communication.
Mirror by the ocean
Pastors Blog

Am I Deceiving Myself?

The letter of James is extremely practical and helpful for believers looking for specific guidance in the Christian life. He did not address the letter to just one single church, but to the twelve tribes of Israel scattered among the nations (1:1). James was Jesus’ half-brother who came to faith ...
Couple holding hands
Pastors Blog

Trust in The Lord

Godly living is not about your high level of human understanding, but in whom you put your ultimate trust. If we trust God, we also acknowledge him daily and we can be assured that He will lead us down the right path.
woman standing in front of sunset
Pastors Blog

Strength Under Control

When the fruit of gentleness or meekness is on display it is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of bridled strength. Meekness is produced by God living in us, but it requires our conscious choice and cooperation with His Spirit. We can choose to remain gentle or not. ...
Person Worshipping
Pastors Blog

All of Life as Worship

What does it mean to worship God? For many Christians the term worship is related to the time spent at church making music and singing songs directed to God in praise.
Woman Breathing
Pastors Blog

Breath of Life

The Bible says that God breathed the breath of life into man. Every human being regardless of colour, race and background is created by God and that makes every life sacred. This passage from Genesis came to my mind as I have been thinking and praying for the United States, ...
older couple hugging
Pastors Blog

When I am Afraid

God’s voice is always comforting and soothing to the soul of His followers. It expels fear and brings faith. The Words of Christ are spirit and they are life to all who receive them (John 6:63). When God’s people hear His voice, they will follow Him. He gives them eternal ...
Woman writing prayer request into journal
Pastors Blog

Ask Anything in My Name

As we pursue Christ and continue His mission in the world by sharing the gospel, letting our light shine before people, loving our neighbours, and extending forgiveness to our enemies, we can ask Jesus for whatever we need and He will give it to us. God has promised His children, ...
Business woman - looking out of window
Pastors Blog

When Your Performance Is Not Enough to Be Content

Achieving peak performance in our lives is not enough to make us content. No matter how gifted we might be, true contentment cannot be found in our performance. The world grades us and gives us value according to our performance. In contrast, the Bible says we are created by God ...
Pastors Blog

God Will Bring You Through

Life comes with seasons of trial and testing. How do we survive and thrive through the storms of life? How do we face fear, pain, addictions, loss, depression, faith crisis and sickness without becoming callused toward God and people? There are no easy and straightforward answers to life’s trials and ...
Pastors Blog

A New Destination

If we believe in a personal and sovereign God who created us intentionally out of love, then it follows that there are some logical questions for every person to ask: why did this God create me? Which direction does He want me to go in life? What is the purpose ...
Pastors Blog

Glorious & Free

As an immigrant from the Islamic Republic of Iran, I am extremely glad and honored to live in Canada, a glorious and free land. My homeland is a nation that is known to lack in freedom of speech and has undergone many turmoils, like the 1979 revolution and an almost ...
Pastors Blog

Husbands Love Your Wives

The greatest commandment in the Bible is to, “…love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself…” (Matthew 22:36-38). You would think that these ...
Pastors Blog

All of Life as Worship

What does it mean to worship God? For many Christians the term worship is related to the time spent at church making music and singing songs directed at God in praise. This is definitely a very important part of why Christians gather corporately all around the world every week, to ...