Pastor Dave Koop

Teaching Children To Flourish In A “New Canada”  

Recently I have been asked by parents for suggestions on how to raise their children in our “New Canada”. What do they mean? They’re referring to the secularization of a nation that was once called Christian. When a nation moves away from having God above country, the country inadvertently takes the role of God.

This isn’t something new. Parents throughout history have wrestled with similar issues. As the world heads into uncharted territory with the advancement of technology and an increasing ideological divide, this is not a surprise to God. He has demonstrated His guidance for families, and in families, throughout history.

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GO! Illuminating the World with God’s Love

The call to “GO!” is not a passive suggestion; it is a mandate for the church to actively be salt and light in the world. By flavoring the world with God’s love, preserving moral standards, and shining the light of Christ in the darkest corners, believers fulfill the purpose of the church – to bring the message of God’s love to a world in desperate need of hope and redemption.

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A Higher Way: Learning from the Tower of Babel

The desire to be known, admired, and celebrated can lead people down a path that excludes God and His guidance. In the Bible’s account of the Tower of Babel, we find a powerful cautionary example about the dangers of seeking fame while ignoring God. In our journey of faith, we are going to run into some crossroads. Here we have to decide, are we going to seek our own ways or will we follow God’s higher path. The Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 serves as a powerful reminder that God’s ways are higher than our ways – even when we think we have arrived at the place with our tower of learning that we don’t need God.

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Coastal Church - Downtown Vancouver Building

Keeping Our Church on Course

In my search for answers on how our church might not be such a statistic, I was brought back to an old book by Charles Finney called Revivals of Religion written in 1868. When Finney wrote this, the USA had experienced a revival with thousands coming to faith in Christ in a short time. In his book he listed several reasons a work of God can be stopped. This article outlines ten that stood out to me.

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Establishing Your True Identity

Our identity determines our destiny. It determines how we act. It determines what we do. How many times have you seen people sacrifice their destiny for a moment of pleasure because they forgot WHO they are? James addresses this important issue in James 1:23,24, For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.

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Security in Uncertainty

How should we deal with uncertainty? One of the greatest examples in the Bible of someone who was secure in the face of uncertainty is Abraham. He was a successful businessman in one of the most prosperous cities of his day. God would ask him to leave the comfort and security of his home and travel to another land, not knowing much about the place or even the exact location. Abraham had plenty to be uncertain about.

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Preparing your Heart for a New Year

There is no shortage of opinions on how to prepare yourself for the upcoming year. Information on how to prepare yourself health-wise. Information on how to prepare yourself financially. But how do we prepare ourselves spiritually? The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches can distract us from preparing the most crucial component for a successful year and that is our heart.

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